
The spinal cord lesion in human fetuses with myelomeningocele: Implications for fetal surgery

Martin Meuli a, b, c, d, e, f Claudia Meuli-Simmen a, b, c, d, e, f Grover M Hutchins a, b, c, d, e, f Mary J Seller a, b, c, d, e, f Michael R Harrison a, b, c, d, e, f N. Scott Adzick a, b, c, d, e, f

Recently produced experimental evidence suggests that secondary traumatic injury and degenerative changes, acquired in utero, to the openly exposed neural tissue may be primarily responsible for the massive neurological deficit associated with myelomeningocele (MMC). The goal of this study was to examine the morphology of human fetuses with MMC to determine if acquired trauma to the spinal cord could be identified. The MMC lesions with surrounding tissues from 10 human fetuses ranging in gestational age between 19 and 23 weeks were prepared with serial histological sections. The MMC lesions were characterized by an open vertebral arch, an open dura mater fused laterally to the dermis, and an open pia mater fused laterally to the epidermis. The spinal cord was exposed, without any meningeal, bony, or cutaneous covering, and was resting on the dorsal aspect of the abnormal arachnoid sac created by the fusion of the meninges to the cutaneous tissues. The exposed neural tissue had undergone varying degrees of recent traumatic injury as a result of its exposed position, ranging from nearly complete preservation of neural elements in four cases to nearly complete loss in two cases. The neural tissue remaining in the MMC with partial loss contained hemorrhages and abrasions from recent injury, suggesting that injury occurred during passage through the birth canal. The presence of dorsal and ventral parts of the cord with nerve roots and ganglia demonstrated that these structures had formed during development and that the loss of tissue by injury was a secondary change. The results support the concept that performing in utero surgery could protect the exposed but initially well-developed and uninjured cord, prevent secondary neural injury, and preserve neural function in the human fetus with myelomeningocele.

Journal: Journal of Pediatric Surgery (Volume 32, Issue 3, Pages 448-452)

Date: 01/03/1997

a Department of Surgery, University Children's Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland

b the Division of Hand, Plastic, and Reconstructive Surgery, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland

c the Department of Pathology, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD, USA

d the Division of Medical and Molecular Genetics, Guy's Hospital, London, England

e The Fetal Treatment Center, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA

f the Department of Surgery, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Midgestational sciatic nerve transection in fetal sheep results in absent nerve regeneration and neurogenic muscle atrophy

C Meuli-Simmen  1 , M Meuli, C D Yingling, T Eiman, G B Timmel, H J Buncke, W Lineaweaver, M R Harrison, N S Adzick  

In order to test whether fetal nerve healing and regeneration result in complete functional recovery, we transected the sciatic nerve at trunk level in 13 midgestational sheep fetuses. In 10 fetuses immediate microsurgical nerve coaptation was performed. The neonatal lambs were evaluated clinically, electrophysiologically, and histologically. On the transected side, the 10 surviving lambs showed a sensorimotor sciatic nerve paralysis and atrophy of the muscles innervated by the sciatic nerve. Somatosensory evoked potentials were weakly present in 5 animals and absent in 5 animals. Histologically, minimal signs of axonal regeneration, massive degeneration of the entire nerve, and a marked neurogenic muscle atrophy were found. These unexpected results differ from the findings after peripheral nerve transections in late gestational sheep fetuses and also from the classic wallerian degeneration-regeneration pattern that follows adult nerve injury. We speculate that the almost absent regenerative potential at midgestation is related to axotomy-induced neurotrophic factor deprivation during a developmental phase where the neurons are critically dependent on growth factor for survival.

Journal: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1997 Feb;99(2):486-92.

Date: 01/02/1997

1 Fetal Treatment Center, University of California, San Francisco, USA.

The fetal spinal cord does not regenerate after in utero transection in a large mammalian model

C Meuli-Simmen  1 , M Meuli, G M Hutchins, C D Yingling, G B Timmel, M R Harrison, N S Adzick

Regeneration and functional recovery after spinal cord transection do not occur in mammalian animals and humans postnatally. The goal of this study was to test whether in utero transection of the fetal spinal cord is succeeded by anatomic healing and functional recovery.

Journal: Neurosurgery (Volume 39, Issue 3, Pages 555-560)

Date: 01/09/1996

1 Fetal Treatment Center, University of California San Francisco, USA.

Acquired spinal cord injury in human fetuses with myelomeningocele

G M Hutchins  1 , M Meuli, C Meuli-Simmen, M A Jordan, D S Heffez, K J Blakemore

Experimental studies have shown that there is a potential to attempt in utero repair of myelomeningocele in human fetuses. To provide a better understanding of the pathology of these lesions we prospectively studied eight stillborn human fetuses with myelomeningocele autopsied at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. The intact vertebral column with surrounding structures was removed, processed as a single block, and prepared as serial histologic sections. Study of the slides showed in all cases that in the center of the myelomeningocele the vertebral arch was open, the arrangement of meninges was such that the dura mater was open and in continuity with the deep layers of the dermis, and the pia mater was open and in continuity with a layer consisting of the superficial dermis and the epidermis. These meningeal relationships created an abnormally configured arachnoid space containing cerebrospinal fluid ventral to the spinal cord, which rested on the open pia mater and was exposed on the dorsal aspect of the sac. At the level of the myelomeningocele the naked cord had undergone varying degrees of injury up to complete loss of neural tissue. Where ventral remnants of the cord remained it was evident that a large degree of normal development of the cord had occurred. In most instances it appeared that the injury or destruction of the dorsal spinal cord was recent and consistent with occurrence during delivery. The results of this study support the concept that in utero surgery could preserve and protect the exposed spinal cord in a myelomeningocele of a human fetus and thus could reduce the severity of the neurologic deficit at birth.

Journal: Pediatric pathology & laboratory medicine: Journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology, affiliated with the International Paediatric Pathology association (Sep-Oct 1996;16(5):701-12)

Date: 01/09/1996

1 Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

Experimental fetal transesophageal and intracardiac echocardiography utilizing intravascular ultrasound technology

T Kohl  1 , Z Szabo, K J VanderWall, S J Hutchinson, E J Stelnicki, M Meuli, M R Harrison, N H Silverman, T M Chou

Fetal transesophageal and intracardiac echocardiography by utilizing ultrasound technology permits accurate definition of cardiac anatomy in fetal sheep. Because fetal transesophageal echocardiography is less invasive than intracardiac echocardiography, it has the potential to serve as a monitoring tool for currently developed open and fetoscopic fetal cardiac interventions.

Journal: The American Journal of Cardiology (Volume 77, Issue 10, Pages 899-903)

Date: 01/04/1996

1 Division of Pediatric Cardiology, University of California, San Francisco 94143, USA.